al Everyday is never the same and you should thereafter know more about Valentine’s Day. So, here’s a list of facts that would help you make the day unforgettable. You would seek the answers for the questions starting with ‘Why’. In case you wish to know more, then shop books along with deals for Valentine’s Day . The first interesting fact we have found is that Saudi Arabia bans Valentine’s Day. This sound funny because you always see courtship among many Muslim households. While other countries celebrate the day with the exchange of chocolates, flowers or presents, people forbid doing so. Just like a blackout, you won’t observe any roadside activity or industries indulging in an enjoyable celebration time. Since years, wearing red outfits or selling objects painted with red color has been a taboo. Though flowers and cards are common on this day, the percentage is quite different. While 34.3% of the people spend on purchasing flowers, 52.1% prefer to gift personalized cards for...