Living the story - The Hiding Place

Y esterday, while scrolling down my list, I came across this name - ' The Hiding Place ' by Corrie Ten Boom and it reminded me of an incident worth reminiscing. We were in our classroom, three girls, eight boys. The classroom was in the basement and would always appear quite scary to a newcomer. That winter evening, having completed the assignments, we began chit-chatting. One of our friends announced that he would tell us a horror story which he believed to be a real-life experience. He started narrating - "In our native village, there is a villa. Folks claim that it is haunted and once a person enters the villa, he never turns up. The villa is grand and beautiful. Yard has giant trees enriched with wildflowers and ground covered with uncontrolled shrubs and bushes. They seem to be lush green in all seasons even though there is no one to water and pamper them. At night, you can see the lights on the first floor. You can even hear some babbling noises from the villa. But,...